Content Submission
Thank you for your interest in submitting content. We appreciate your passion for ceramic art and your desire to share your stories with our vast international ceramic community.

Please review the following guidelines carefully before submitting your work for consideration.
MoCA/NY’s EXPLORE reveals and highlights exciting international ceramic destinations through interviews, lectures, videos, and more! Our mission is to create a platform for artists and writers to engage with and interpret ceramic expressions, fostering a deeper understanding of the evolving art landscape.
We will prioritize submissions that highlight destinations on the Ceramic World Destinations Map (CWD). If you don't see your destination on CWD, fill out this form.

EXPLORE is sectioned into seven categories:

In the Studio: studio visits with artists, residencies, workshops, design shops, and manufacturers with international interest and scope.

Clay + Tech: integration of clay and technology - focus on ideas over technique

Book Talk: review and/or interview author with diverse orientation

Exhibition: review and/or interview with the curator, director, or artist

Cultural Heritage Sites: a feature on the location, history, and current status of cultural heritage sites

36 Hours in: a self-directed guide exploring notable ceramic highlights of a city that reflect writer’s expertise and knowledge. Include restaurants, bars, vistas, and nightlife that gives a feeling for the dynamic pulse of the city.

Events: review of an event or interview with event organizers featuring ceramic art and artists

If your content does not fit into any of the categories, check the “OTHER” option.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Original Content: Submissions must be original and not previously published elsewhere, including online platforms, blogs, or print publications.

2. Word Count: Articles should generally range from 500 to 1500 words.

3. Formatting: Upon approval of your piece, you will be asked to share your work using Google Doc. Use a clear and legible font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) in 12-point size.

4. Images/Videos: It is highly recommended to include images and videos in your piece. You will be asked to share this as a high-resolution JPEG and/or mp4 video and all images should be credited.

5. Bio: Include a brief author bio (approximately 50 words). You may also include links to your personal website or social media profiles.

7. Editing: While we review submissions for quality and relevance, please ensure your work is proofread and edited before submission.

8. Your video or text in your native language is welcomed, however, an English translation must be provided. 

You will be notified within 2-4 weeks if your submission was approved. Articles will be published 1-3 months after submission is accepted.

Please note: if your article is time-sensitive (i.e. an exhibition closing in two weeks) we may not be able to approve your submission.

Contact with any questions.
* Indicates required question
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 43 Armonk, NY 10504
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Museum of Ceramic Art - New York.
All rights reserved.