Support Details
Donate to MoCA/NY
online with PayPal:
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Donate to MoCA/NY by
sending a check to:
Museum of Ceramic Art/New York
P.O. Box 43
Armonk, NY 10405, USA
  • Provide exposure to and for artists, organizations, stores, organizations, museums, and institutions by our newsletter, Explore Page, CWD, and social media.

  • Expand our international and BIPOC (black, indigienous, people of color) staff

  • Expand online services and platforms to keep CWD current

  • Highlight underrepresented(sp) cultures and regions rich with ceramic heritage of historical significance
Work courtesy of Nick Wedell and Jason Jacques Gallery

Become a monthly donor

Donate $5, $25, or $100 a month to support MoCA/NY and
ensure the organization’s future.

Submit a Destination

MoCA/NY’s Ceramic World Destination’s Map contains 4,000 international ceramic-related destinations.

To submit a destination, click on the link above, and make sure to review our Submissions Criteria to ensure your submission qualifies.

Submission Criteria

Destinations will be vetted in accordance with the following criteria and must meet the standard and quality of MoCA/NY.
  1. Must have a publicly accessible physical location. Locations that are “by appointment only” are permitted if booking information is available on the website.
  2. Only destinations with an online presence will be listed.
  3. The website must include contact and visiting information.
  4. Submit primary and secondary types of destination. Only 2 types are accepted.
  5. A destination must match at least one of the following definitions:
  • A devoted practitioner with personal style and commitment to excellence.
  • Website contains an accurate representation of artistic vision, portfolio, and CV.
  • Historical venues: architectural, archeological, geological, and monumental sites related to ceramics.
  • Exhibitions and representation of ceramic artworks and artists.
  • An institution with an educational focus and curriculum dedicated to the practice and professional advancement of ceramic art.
  • A person, group, or factory with ceramic manufacturing and production capabilities.
  • Exhibitions and collections that include ceramic art and artists.
  • An association, network, or group that engages and sustains a community for the ceramic arts.
  • A dedicated destination providing time and space to work with clay.
  • A retail establishment that presents ceramic design and supplies.
  • Ceramic studios that are accessible to the public and provide memberships, rental, classes, and/or firing services.

Write for Us

EXPLORE is MoCA/NY’s editorial blog which features interviews ceramic artists, reviews of exhibitions, coverage of innovative clay technologies, and more!

If you’d like to contribute to EXPLORE, fill out this form and submit your pitch!
Interested in working with us?

Museum of Ceramic Art - New York: Underwriting Form

Thank you for your interest in promoting your content with the Museum of Ceramic Art - New York. Please review the following text before submission.

Since MoCA/NY is a not-for-profit and free for all to use, we rely on your support to continue our service. We have over 12,000 international ceramic artists, academics, students, curators, writers, galleries, collectors, suppliers, designers, museums, and associations subscribed to our newsletter.

Your activity or exhibition can be featured in our newsletter, social media, or our website for nominal fees.
We're currently offering the following underwriting opportunities. You are more than welcome to purchase a combination of these at this first time initial discounted rates.

Note: * Indicates required question
Payment Information & Terms

Invoices will be sent upon approval of your underwriting package.

Payments are accepted through Check or Paypal (preferred).

Wire transfer is available upon request. Contact for details.

Checks can made out to: Museum of Ceramic Art - New York Mail to: Museum of Ceramic Art - New York, PO Box 43, Armonk, NY 10504

Terms & Conditions: All submissions will be reviewed and are subject to approval before placement on MoCA/NY's platforms. Due to the amount of submissions, we cannot accept all applications. Promoters assume liability for contents published and agree to indemnify MoCA/NY for any and all claims or lawsuits arising from libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, etc., which may be predicated on the contents of the advertisements ordered. A Content Agreement Form must be signed before publication on MoCA/NY's website. Payments are expected within 10 days of approval.  We will not publish any promotions until payment is received.

Contact: with any questions.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 43 Armonk, NY 10504
Copyright ©
Museum of Ceramic Art - New York.
All rights reserved.