72 Hours in Dublin, Ireland

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites in Ireland, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

Dublin, Ireland | Photo Courtesy: Lukas Kloeppel

Dublin is renowned for

72 Hours in Tokyo, Japan - Part I

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites in Japan, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

This is the first installment of our two-part Tokyo guide! 

72 Hours in Budapest, Hungary

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites in Hungary, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

Prince of Buda Meets the Princess of Pest, Márta Lesenyei,

36 Hours in London, England

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites in England, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

London Cityscape - photo courtesy: Lina Kivaka

Londinium (Roman London) was

48 Hours in Istanbul, Turkey

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites in Turkey, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

Photo courtesy: Alex Azabache

Get ready to embark on an adventure

36 Hours in Taipei, Taiwan

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites worldwide, check out CERAMIC WORLD DESTINATIONS (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 ceramic destinations!

Taipei Landscape - Photo Courtesy: Christina Liu

Taipei is the vibrant capital

36 Hours in Osaka, Japan

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites worldwide, check out Ceramic World Destinations (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 destinations!

While Osaka may be renowned as 'Japan's Kitchen,' the city also holds great …

48 Hours in Çanakkale, Turkey

To see all the destinations listed in this guide and other ceramic sites worldwide, check out Ceramic World Destinations (CWD), MoCA/NY's interactive map listing over 4,000 destinations!

Interior of Mirrored Bazaar: photo courtesy: Yeliz Saydan

A BRIEF OVERVIEW: Çanakkale, Turkey

Ceramic Guide to Faenza, Italy

Photo courtesy: Raffaele Tassinari


In Faenza, there are several Airbnbs, apartments, farmhouses and hotels where you can stay and find a nice room at a reasonable price. Check this link for options. The oldest and most famous

Ceramic Guide - Rome

In this edition of 36 Hours, we give tips to key ceramic destinations in Rome. Rome has more than 120 museums and over 200 galleries so there’s an abundance of choice. Make sure to check the Ceramic World Destinations